Skin pigmentation
research & testing platform
R&D solutions for pigmentation research
In order to open new horizons for scientific research in the field of pigmentation and more specifically for the testing and screening of active dermo-cosmetic ingredients, Phenocell has developed a new & exclusive human melanocyte model based on induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC).
iPSC-derived melanocytes display all the key functional characteristics of normal human melanocytes, including melanin synthesis, while having - unlike immortalized melanocytes - a normal karyotype. Due to their high genomic stability, their availability in unlimited quantities and their high level of inter-batch reproducibility, iPSC-derived cells are the most robust and relevant tool for the execution of your screening campaigns and R&D projects.
Identify and characterize new pharmaceutical active ingredients with our selection of innovative high-throughput tests on iPSC-derived melanocytes!
Take advantage of the characteristics of a primoculture with the benefits of a cell line using iPSC-derived cells:
high genomic stability
available in unlimited quantities
high batch-to-batch reproducibility
iPSC-derived cells are the most relevant model for HTS studies on human cells!
Your iPSC-derived melanocyte screening campaign
Starting from
High-throughput screening services for
pigmentation research & testing
An in vitro melanocyte model
close to reality
Phenocell's pigmentation model is based on the use of iPCS-derived melanocytes from multiple donors:
Human iPSC-melanocytes from asian donors
- Human iPSC-melanocytes from african donors
Human iPSC-melanocytes from caucasian donors
Human iPSC-melanocytes from albino donors
Useful for ethnicity-specific claim validation
Cell culture format
Phenocell's iPCS-derived melanocytes model is available:
in monolayers (from 6 wp down to 96 wp)
Cell characterization
Phenocell's iPCS-derived melanocyte are fully characterized:
Normal karyotype
High level of purity (>90%)
Expression of key melanocyte markers
(e.g. PAX3, MITF, PMEL17, TRYP1) -
Melanin synthesis
Melanosome transfer to keratinocytes
Cell functionality
Phenocell's iPSC-derived melanocyte are useful and validated for testing:
Cell toxicity & cell survival
Oxydative stress
Melanongenesis related markers (e.g. Pmel17, TYR, TRYP1, MITF)
Melanin synthesis (pro and anti-pigmentating effect)
Get a sample report on
iPSC-derived melanocyte model
Melanogenesis-related bioassays
Bellow are examples of pigmentation-related bioassays that Phenocell offers as service :
If you do not find your favorite bioassays, do not worry,
Custom biological tests are available.
Contact us for more information.
Management of your R&D project
Preliminary study
Project framework
Feasibility study
Service agreement, order
Compound receipt
iPSC culture
Testing & Bioassays
Data management
Quality control
Data analysis
Data minding
Report writing
Report meeting