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iPSC-derived retinal pigment epithelial cells | Ref. PCI-RPE


In the human retina we find two types of photoreceptors :

- The cones (about 5 million) which are found in three different forms and are each excited a range of specific wavelengths, they are often simplified to blue, green and red cones.
- The rods (about 120 million) capture all photons and produce an electro-chemical signal that is transmitted by the optic nerves to the brain to evaluate luminosity.

In the human retina, the photoreceptors are directly in contact with a monolayer of pigmented cells : the Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE). They are located on the external surface of the retina, between the photoreceptors and the choroid (where there are the blood vessels carriying nutrients). The RPE plays an essential role in the maintenance and survival of photoreceptors by ensuring, among other things :

- The transfer of nutrients (glucose, vitamine A, ions),
- Secretion of growth factors,
- Recycling of molecules (isomerized by light photons),
- Phagocytosis of cellular debris produced daily by photoreceptors,

This phagocytotic activity results in the accumulation of a molecule in the RPE : A2E. The photo-excitation of this molecule leads to the production of reactive oxygen derivatives which induce stress and cellular damage. This damage can lead to the death of the RPE cells and therefore of the photoreceptors that depend on them. This chain of reactions is a pathology called AMD.

iPSC-derived retinal pigment epithelial cells

Excluding Sales Tax
  • iPSC-derived retinal pigment epithelium - DETAILS

    iPSC-derived retinal pigment epithelial cells are available in 2-and 6-Million cell format.

    Available in large quantities with very little batch-to-batch variations.

    Refer to PCi-RPE product sheet and User's guide for details

     PCi-RPE are unique tools for retinal pigment epithelium cell research, retina-linked disorders research, pharmacology, toxicology and drug discovery.


    Shipment in dry ice.


    Products are covered by issued and pending patents.  The purchase of the Product does not include nor carry any right or license to use, develop or otherwise exploit the Product commercially. Contact Phenocell for more information on Product Limited License Use.


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